Entrepreneurship at EIU

The Becamex Business Incubator (BBI) and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation concentration (IEPS) focus on instilling a sense of innovation and creativity in students when it comes to new venture creation. Our objective is to develop entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial eco-system for the community by providing infrastructure and academic guidance for start-up companies.

Who we are?

Becamex Business Incubator (BBI), houses within the modern Eastern International University Campus, positions itself as membership-based workspace where diverse groups of entrepreneurs freely define their own culture. We aim to be an active partner to embrace and support new ventures in their journey of delivering better solutions and value to the market.

Why Choose BBI?

Intensive network of international entrepreneurship partners, business experts

Strong relationship with local factories, manufacturers can bring benefits to you as market opportunities or partnership

Benefits from university resources of Fablab, workshop space, engineering lab and student interns and manpower in business, engineering, and computer science

Customized support to your venture’s stages of development to ensure sustainable growth


We think and test day and night to remove all superfluous details from regular motorcycles. The streamlined design helps Weaver to achieve the highest levels of power, speed and distance traveled. Go faster, go further and enjoy the emotions of a journey.

We redefined electric vehicles with Dat Battery 72V battery. Have you been waiting for fatigue to charge? Worry will run out of electricity in the middle? Constantly having to change batteries?

No longer a problem. With super-fast charging, super long distance and super long life, Dat Battery 72V eliminates all your worries.


Power Hour August – 2020

Training to Complete your Ideas – Woman Start-up Competition 2020

Hult Prize on Campus 2019

Startup Idea Battle 2019