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Naltrexone for Alcoholism

These medications are safe to use for months, years, or even a lifetime. As with any medication, consult your doctor before discontinuing use. The COMBINE sober house study found that combining another alcohol-deterrent drug Campral (acamprosate) with the medical management program did not improve outcomes.

What prescription drug is commonly used to treat alcoholics?

Three medications are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat alcohol use disorder: acamprosate, disulfiram, and naltrexone.

Naltrexone, which blocks endorphins and reduces the euphoria of intoxication, was approved in the United States for the treatment of alcohol dependence nearly 30 years ago. But it is typically prescribed for patients with more severe alcohol disorders to take daily to abstain from drinking. Naltrexone blocks the brain areas where narcotics and alcohol work.

Will I need other treatments for alcoholism?

Learn which activities can cause serious problems for some people. Gaming disorder is a mental health condition recognized by the WHO in their International Classification of Disease. With the coronavirus pandemic necessitating physical distance, both clinical services for addiction and recovery and support groups have gone online. When an individual on Antabuse drinks (even a small amount of alcohol) there is a buildup of a toxic alcohol-related compounds due to the blocked breakdown of alcohol. This produces a pronounced adverse reaction to alcohol that includes unpleasant symptoms like headaches, upset stomach, nausea and vomiting, hot sweats, flushed skin, and heart palpitations.

medication to treat alcoholism

If your provider suspects that you have a problem with alcohol, you may be referred to a mental health provider. Decreases number of drinking days but does not increase abstinence. Directly observed therapy might be more beneficial but has not been studied in a good randomized trial.

Alcohol use disorder

The severity of AUD ranges from mild to severe, and symptoms have the potential for recurrence and remission. No matter how severe the disorder is, individuals can benefit from treatment. Sandra Lamb is a freelance science and health care journalist and author of books including How to Write It and Writing Well for Business Success.