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Sustanon 250

Sustanon 250

Even if you feel better, you should continue to take it for the recommended amount of time. We understand that there are challenges for primary care health professionals in prescribing hormones for transgender, non-binary and gender diverse people. The aim of the content of the website is to support and guide health professionals through common queries and presentations in this group. We want to work in collaboration with GPs and are committed to supporting GPs develop expertise and confidence in hormone prescribing. Daily microdosing of Testosterone Cypionate (or Enanthate) and HCG, offers an effective method to mimic this natural physiological production. This is in stark contrast to protocols which advocate longer injection intervals, which ultimately lead to far greater variations in peaks and troughs.

  • We have psychologists working within the team who are specialists in gender dysphoria and who are experienced in treating transgender people.
  • In fact, changing your name could be an important step in proving that you’re living in your new gender, before applying for a GRC.
  • We adjust the dose based on these parameters, and include ancillaries such as aromatase inhibitors where necessary and as agreed with the patient.
  • It helps to address a range of health concerns in adult males, such as impotence, infertility, decreased sex drive, weariness, and depression, by increasing testosterone levels.
  • Current prescribing recommendations for the testosterone preparations available are disappointingly out-dated, with the NHS adopting a one-size-fits-all approach to TRT in most instances.

All content of this web site is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice; rather it is designed to support, not replace, the relationship between you and your healthcare providers. You should make sure that you carefully read all product packaging and labels prior to use. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem you should consult your doctor.

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Using the most effective injection frequency with the lowest viable dose, to achieve the most optimal patient outcome. This includes looking at patient symptoms, discussion of how the patient feels, biochemical assays/profiles, body composition changes, energy, activity performance and mental wellbeing. We adjust the dose based on these parameters, and include ancillaries such as aromatase inhibitors where necessary and as agreed with the patient. Each drug will have its own Cmax and a different elimination rate constant, thus a different elimination half-life. This is also true of Testosterone and its different compounds, from different ester injectable drugs, to gels and more.

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This began with an initial saturation dose of 1000mg, followed by a second six-week loading dose of 1000mg, and then follow up doses of 1000mg every 12 weeks. After a suboptimal trough reading of 13.6nmol/l in September 2016, eight months after starting TRT, we made the decision to switch him to a 10-weekly injection interval. In December 2016, we also made the decision to introduce 500iu of HCG every 3.5 days https://bohemsa.org/uk-englandpharmacy-co-uk-exemestane-steroids-5/ because, despite shortening his injection interval and him noting a minor improvement in his sense of well-being on TRT, he still felt flat. Disappointingly, Patient Zero’s trough levels remained suboptimal so in January 2017, we moved him to shorter eight-week injection intervals. He had subsequent issues with elevated oestradiol and so Anastrozole (an aromatase inhibitor) was commenced to manage this.

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The GMC advice states that GPs must co-operate with gender identity clinics and specialists to provide effective and timely treatment for trans and non-binary people. Clinical nurses who see people through the assessment process and act in the role as a Named Professional providing support and six-monthly appointments to those people accessing the service care pathway. Some of our clinical nurses can also recommend hormone prescriptions. The care pathway includes a prescribing clinic that can start hormone treatment.