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A branding vision for leadership

Everyone understand that a brand is a big invisible possession of a business. However, the correct understanding and correct action in the process of building, protecting and developing the brand requires every business, especially the brand owner need to have the right mind-set about the brand.

In the past time, in Vietnam as well as in the Saigon Entrepreneur Club, we have had many forums which talked about branding. We already have many forums on brand topic, but it is flawed if we do not clarify the definition of the brand, the brand is all consumer’s feeling or target customers about the products or businesses. Thus, consumers feel good and right with the desired position of the business is a meticulous investment process of the business. But it’s not that we build a brand that mean we have a strong brand in the mind of customers, a brand exists when and only when it is confirmed by the consumers.

“So where does branding start?” – a question posed by a member of the Brand Committee. I do not hesitate to answer immediately: “Branding starts from your own nostalgia and dream (the brand owner)”. An entrepreneur with great ambition, dream of owning a strong brand, a brand of global stature is the first step for success in the branding process. And please do not think that branding is the job of the brand manager or a certain employee in the business, but it must be us – the owner of the brand.”

Many entrepreneurs we are often afraid or still worry that when we have a little money, it is difficult to have a good brand, this is a misconception. There is a fact that all large businesses in the world start from very small. Especially in the past time, we have seen many Vietnamese enterprises which their small budgets, they still have good brands in the minds of consumers. Thus, branding is not about advertisements or big promotions, it’s about making the brand’s point of contact with the target customers effectively. A brand’s contact system to a target customer can be understood as two parts: hardware and software. Hardware is the identity system which we design to communicate the brand consistently and professionally from brand colors to brand messages (from name cards to office documents, to consumables. advertising, sales, signboard). The above hardware like a brand’s outer shirt, a beautiful shirt, with a distinctive element will create good recognition. Brands still do not have a position in the minds of consumers if they lack software investment such as the smile of the saleswoman, the customer service programs, the behavior of the business, generally the human factor.

The first thing has to do for Brand is Location Work. Depending on the strengths, resources of each business and we have a different Location Way. The basis of Location is Difference. Businesses need to find difference, and the Business Leader must be wise to choose business’s position in the minds of consumers to competitive units. Because in the process of Location, the brand owner has to sacrifice, not carrying too many things with one, consistency and loyalty.  It cannot be like this today, it will change quickly in such a short time. The sacrifice is shown through when we choose this position, we have to give up another position. A high-class image cannot be spent for medium-class the and vice versa.

In addition, brand owner should understand that the basis of a brand is the product. A bad product is the fastest way to lose a brand in the market, but the product isn’t everything. The brander’s mindset often perceives clearly that brand is a category which broader than a product (if P/S is an expert in dental care, then toothpaste, toothbrush, or mouthwash is a specific product). Therefore, when building brands, Leaders care about all issues of the business, especially the human aspect. At present, businesses need a Brand Director to help Leaders implement and supervise the activities of the business in aspect of Brand.

Has the boss ever organized many sessions of Vision Sharing for staffs? Has the company ever organized Brand Training for everyone in the business? Can each job position of the business understand their role in Brand Protection and Development? Can the boss’s staffs aware that each member of the company is a messenger of the brand and each misbehavior can damage the brand? Has the boss ever required staffs have to understand that business has a little advertising money, but we have lots of enthusiasm about keeping each customer and using the great skill in marketing that is word of mouth? Raising questions also means that the boss has answers and actions for the brand’s mission for business: “Find the consumer’s kind heart and mind in the most effective way”.

Common mistakes when building a brand in Vietnam:

  1. Brand owner haven’t had a branding mindset to build and develop.
  2. Assimilate between brand building and product advertising.
  3. There is no consistent identification system which suitable with the development strategy
  4. Not pay attention to human factors for development strategy
  5. Many businesses are in a hurry to build and develop brands and forget to invest in products (services).
  6. Lack of dialogue strategy for the brand, communication messages are not prepared carefully.
  7. Lack of clear location for the brand, show up the brand which carry too many things with one, lack of sacrifice in the brand.
  8. Unreasonable brand tree structure reduces efficiency or hurts already successful brands.