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Every business needs a model when starting a business

[vietnambusinessinsider.vn] – Nearly 20 years working in the field of business development consulting and management systems for businesses in many fields, Master Nguyen Thanh Tan has just shared with VBI the business management model to help business owners get rid of the habit of operating to focus on sustainable development strategies.

In peacetime, when the number still changes every day, to many businesses aren’t necessary to own the management model. As long as the product leaves the factory every day, goes to market and brings them a lot of money. However, when Covid-19 comes, sales aren’t increased or decrease seriously, without a specific management model, the business is almost disoriented and does not know how to manage to revive business.

With the current situation of Covid-19, what are your comments about the growth of business after Covid-19?

Most businesses were affected when purchasing is decreased, many businesses closed completely. Business have a domestic market will have an advantage. In addition, based on our experience, any business that has prepared a clear growth model in advance, that business has high resistance during this Covid period.

If the entrepreneur runs the business in an indipendent way to the business (that means the overall observation from distance to make a strategy), not solving the problem directly, having time to control the business that is very good. In short, when Covid 19 comes to businesses that lack a business model and not create a growth power before. It will be much more difficult against a business which had a growth model.

In your point of view, what are the common manifestations of businesses that do not have growth models?

Growth is very important thing in any business, this factor shows the vision of the head leader. Businesses that do not have a growth model often appear the following manifestation.

First, business lack a long-term vision (5 years) or having a general vision, not detailed by targets; or having a vision but in the implementation process, the business does not follow the vision.


Second, the organizational structure is not clear and overlapping; departments are not coordinating effectively. Third, the business lacks corporate-level strategy and functional strategy (finance, business, marketing, production). In particular, the company-level strategy must clearly show the goals of each year, the functional strategy must indicate clearly the responsibilities, objectives of each department.

Thirdly, the products and services of the business have not been analyzed in detail – specific to the needs and changes of the market. Fifth, businesses have not arranged the right people, the right positions. Sixth, the enterprise’s management system is incomplete and lacks of operational tools. Seventh, there is no clear corporate culture.

It can be said that the seven above-mentioned problems have been occurring in most Vietnamese enterprises with different degrees. This is also the main cause leads to the operator’s fatigue and struggles. The indispensable consequence is the business cannot achieve targets in terms of sales, profit, market share, and weak competitiveness.

Thus, is there any model for businesses to apply for reference?

There are many models of growth power in the world nowaday, and BrainBOS is an advanced model that we exploit and consult for enterprises in Vietnam.

BrainBOS (Brain Business Operating System) is a management model that creates growth power with 7 key elements including vision, structure, product, people, system, implementation, culture. This model is like a home of business administration. According to BrainBOS: “vision” is like the roof, “culture” is the foundation. Houses will be steady if it has pillars. Structure, product, people, system and implementation are the five solid pillars that create the “Management House” for sustainable development for any business. If this house is built successfully, the business leaders will have a strong and sustainable business operating system, connect operations as well as control the whole company.

At present, we have deployed this model for many corporations, companies in Vietnam and this model brought a certain effect. Enterprises can refer to this model at www.BrainMark.vn. In addition, we also have free support lesson for businesses which are affected heavily by Covid – 19 so that they can overcome confidently the tough period.

Thus, how to Business Leaders deploy to apply BrainBOS model?

We can start from building 5 pillars of “vision, including mission, vision, core values, business philosophy”, goals in 5 years. For many business owners, time flies so fast and when we look back, we are old but my vision is not reached. It is painful when we don’t have vision and we don’t know what to do every day. When the “vision board” is setted, company briefings are about consider about the vision, not handling the problems such as business directors are doing. We would like to work with businesses to conduct this issue.

After building the vision, we will build up “structure”, that means check, complete the organizational structure, functions – tasks of each functional department, personnel staffing, job description of each position. This work can be understood as the process of restructuring an enterprise.

The “product” pillar with 8 closed steps from product development, market research, customer segmentation, brand location, product development, product pricing, distribution strategy to communication strategy. With the “people”, the most difficult thing is still recruiting the right people and assigning the right jobs. If we want to do that, we must build a capacity assessment system.

Next is the completion of the “system” pillar with a series of tools such as KPI, Salary 3P, AOP, etc. Then building an implementation – controlling and finally is building corporate culture.


When bringing this model to the operator in Vietnam, does BrainMark have to be localized to be more suitable for Vietnamese businesses?

When BrainBOS was brought to Vietnam, the consulting company BrainMark Vietnam had to localize a part to synchronize with Vietnamese mindset and culture. In the model, the “vision” part and the “culture” part are the two most modified parts. Because in Vietnam, business owners are not often conduct with the long-term vision over 5 years, so BrainMark Vietnam changes the vision to a maximum is 5 years. We also emphasize specific goals to guide the strategy for the 5 years. The part “culture” (the foundation of the model) is the part that has been changed a lot in order to be more suitable with the “Vietnamese corporate style” culture (both a slogan and an action).

In short, when bringing back to Vietnam, there are 7 main parts of BrainBOS – from building ideology to preparing cultural manuals to communication, training, compliance assessment which are all adjusted to be more suitable for Vietnamese businesses. Therefore, when applied at corporations, businesses such as Lasuco Group, Vinh Hoan, Saigon Food, etc. This model has brought into play its advantages very well, more than the solutions to build normal corporate culture.

In your opinion, what are the barriers when applying BrainBOS model in businesses ?

The biggest barrier and difficulty in bringing BrainBOS model into application for Vietnamese enterprises is the asynchronous thinking of medium level managers, although senior leaders are looking forward to implementing it as soon as possible. The basic reason is that medium management members don’t want to change to a conservative level, they think they don’t have time to change and they’re doing the old way well.

People often say that ‘Unless going, there is no way to get to the destination’, so when the leaders decide to apply, these conservative people will oppose in their ideology, making the model not fully effective. This is the first barrier.

The next problem is that Vietnamese businesses often do not have effective control department, so when applying the model, the performance of departments increases but is not equal, and will not be recognized and evaluated clearly.

With experience of consulting to deploy this growth model for many businesses, what is your recommendation?

In Vietnam, there have been quite a lot of companies applying this model successfully until now. With the consultant’s experience, we have some suggestions. There are during the construction of the “BrainBOS Management House”, businesses need to pay special attention to the implementation and control of their strategies and objectives.

Many businesses build a methodical and detailed strategy, but in the end they still do not reach the set goals; The reason is the lack of a team of implementation and control. Every business is the same, without these two teams, all plans are just paper plans. Execution of speed, strict and regular control is what businesses need to focus on. At that time, set the boss at rest, the system will operate automatically.

How does BrainMark Company support businesses when consulting the BrainBOS model?

We are committed to business growth. We will accompany the business and commit to growth in the first 3 years of running this model with specific numbers. There are businesses, we will appoint expert participant in independent board to support development. At that time, we were both a consultant to build and complete the BrainBOS model and a strategic critic unit when the business team operated this model.

In terms of supporting businesses during the Covid-19 period, what specific policy does your company have?

At present, BrainMark consulting offices in the US as well as in Vietnam are deploying the sponsorship service package of 3 hours of business coach (guidance) to apply this model. To us, businesses with a sustainable development mindset are the group of businesses that we are aiming for and ready to helps them prosper, through this growth model.

In short, both in the present and in the future, the competition will be increasingly fierce, the market has changed a lot, businesses cannot be successful by doing as in the past. Therefore, each leader needs to own a suitable business operating model to create the strength of sustainable growth for business.

Thanks for your sharing!