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Livestream No. 3: Annual Operating Planning with BrainAOP

On September 5th, 2020, BrainMark cooperated with the Entrepreneurship and Management Club to organize a seminar on the topic of Annual Operating Planning by BrainAOP method. The program was broadcast live at Fanpage BrainBOS® and Fanpage of Club of Entrepreneurs and Management.

Speakers participating in the seminar included: Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tan – Chairman of BrainGroup, Chief Strategy Officer of BrainMark, Mr. Nguyen Hoai Thi – General Director of Viet An Environmental Engineering Joint Stock Company, General Secretary of Entrepreneur and Management Club. Mr. Lam Binh Bao – Head of Capacity Development – General Director of B Coaching Company Limited.

To the program, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tan shared about the importance of making annual operating plans. He emphasized, this is the job that every business should pay attention to implement. In addition, he also shared more about the BrainBOS® management model – a strategic product of BrainMark to bring the Growth Power ™ to the business. BrainAOP – method of Annual Operating Planning is one of the tools of BrainBOS® management model.

Mr. Nguyen Hoai Thi shared that the Covid-19 had affected to business plans of this year of many businesses. Therefore, in order not to be in a passive situation next year, businesses as well as Viet An Group also need to plan more methodically, based on clear standards so that business will not be affected.

After valuable sharing from Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tan and Mr. Nguyen Hoai Thi as well as as program coordinators, Mr. Lam Bao Binh emphasized that Enterprises have stepped to the fourth quarter of 2020 with many difficulties in Covid – 19, but with the spirit of determination to constantly develop, he hopes that businesses will breakthrough and achieve success in the next stages.