Adjustment of industrial park planning in Ha Nam province


Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh has just approved the adjustment and supplementation of the planning for the development of industrial zones in Ha Nam province.
In Document 363/TTg-CN dated April 20, 2022, Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh approved the adjustment and supplementation of the planning for development of industrial zones in Ha Nam province.

Specifically, the Deputy Prime Minister approved to put Dong Van III supporting industrial park to the east of Cau Gie – Ninh Binh Expressway with an area of ​​​​223 hectares, located in communes: Tien Noi and Yen Bac, Duy district. Tien, Ha Nam province out of the planning to develop industrial zones in Ha Nam province.

At the same time, supplementing Dong Van III supporting industrial park to the east of Cau Gie – Ninh Binh Expressway with an area of ​​​​223 hectares, located in wards: Tien Noi, Yen Bac, Hoa Mac and communes: Tien Ngoai, Yen Nam, Duy Tien town, Ha Nam province in the planning for development of industrial zones in Ha Nam province.

Other industrial parks included in the planning on development of industrial zones in Ha Nam province, approved by the Prime Minister in Document No. 469/TTg-CN dated April 3, 2017 remain unchanged.

Building a centralized wastewater treatment plant before putting the industrial park into operation

The Deputy Prime Minister asked the People’s Committee of Ha Nam province to take full responsibility for the accuracy of the size and location of the proposed adjustment and supplementation of the planning of industrial zones, ensuring the adjustment and supplementation of the planning. industrial parks in accordance with the planning and provisions of current laws, do not allow disputes and lawsuits during the implementation of the planning.

Directing the Provincial Industrial Park Management Board and related agencies to require investors in construction and infrastructure business to focus on building concentrated wastewater treatment plants of industrial parks before put into operation in accordance with the law on environmental protection; prioritize settlement of housing needs, social and cultural and sports facilities for employees in industrial parks in accordance with the law on housing and regulations on industrial parks and economic zones.

Direct the collection of opinions from ministries, branches and organize the implementation of the approved planning; direct relevant agencies and investors to develop construction zoning planning, carry out investment procedures and establish industrial parks in stages in accordance with the ability to attract investment and on the basis of compliance with regulations. strictly comply with the conditions and order specified in Decree No. 82/2018/ND-CP and the law on investment; comply with the provisions of the law on environmental protection in industrial parks; carry out the conversion of land use purposes according to current regulations; have solutions to stabilize their lives and have a plan to support jobs and vocational training for people whose land has been recovered.

Direct the updating and supplementing in the process of implementing the planning of Ha Nam province in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Planning and Resolution No. 110/NQ-CP dated December 2, 2019 of the Government promulgating the List of regulations. The planning shall be integrated into the national planning, regional planning, and provincial planning according to the provisions of Point c, Clause 1, Article 59 of the Law on Planning.

