Exhibitor Regulations


Professionals, trade and business visitors only. Minors and members of the general public will not be admitted. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse admission or to remove any person without giving a reason. This also applies to build-up and dismantling periods.

For safety reasons, children below the age of 18 will not be allowed into the exhibition halls at any time, from build-up to tear-down periods.


Over the counter’ sales are not permitted. The Organiser reserves the right to take appropriate action as deemed necessary to stop such activities.


Exhibitors are asked not to place stickers, signs or posters anywhere in the halls other than within their own stand and on paid advertising poster sites and billboards. Likewise, exhibitor‟s representatives may not distribute brochures, invitations etc. along gangways or near the entrance/exits of exhibition halls, F&B outlets, show hospitality areas, or any other areas which in the opinion of the Organisers, is deemed inappropriate and causes inconvenience to visitors and other exhibitors.


The use of Segways, rollerblades, bicycles, skateboards, or other wheeled transportation not for the use of the physically challenged, is strictly forbidden.


The Organiser appreciates that demonstrations and presentations form an integral part of exhibitions. Exhibitors, however, should exercise discretion to other exhibitors when carrying out demonstrations and presentations.

Loudspeakers/sound devices and/or image projection equipment are to be placed in such a way that sound/image is directed downwards and into the stand, and not towards or across the aisles. The operation of any sound device or image projector must not interfere with, or be an annoyance to neighbouring stands. Sound levels recorded at adjacent or opposite stands should not exceed 70dB from source for all speech, music and sound effects.

The Organiser may also require such demonstrations or presentations to be carried out in accordance to a timetable as laid down after the consultations with the exhibitors involved.

Exhibitors planning to stage demonstrations or presentations must provide a reasonable space for the audience within the confines of the stand.


Unless otherwise stated, animals are not allowed to be used as a stand attraction, for performance or demonstration purposes at the exhibition.


Supply Voltage :

– 3 phase 4 wire system, 380 volts ±10%

– Single-phase 2 wire system, 220 volts ±10%

Frequency : 50 Hz with variation maintained within ±10-15%

Power Factor : Not less than 0.85 lagging

The following rules must be complied with:

a.Starting arrangement of motors: All motors must have independent automatic protection against excessive current using one of the following starters:

– i.Up to 5 HP : Direct-on-line

– ii. 5 to 25 HP : Star-Delta

– iii. Above 25 HP : Auto transformer

b. All electrical installation work from source of supply at the exhibition must be carried out solely by the Organiser‟s official contractor.
c. Exhibitors requiring different voltages, stabilizers, frequency or special connections to equipment should arrange for their own transformers, converters, boosters, etc. and keep the Organiser informed.

d. All electrical equipment and connection downstream from Organisers supply should be tested and appropriately grounded and approved by the Exhibitor’s (or Exhibitor’s appointed contractor’s) local licensed electrical engineers prior to turning on the electrical supply.


The permitted floor loadings stipulated by the venue owners must not be exceeded. However, on a case-by-case basis subject to the approval of the venue owner, special arrangements including the provision of steel base plates may be required for any exhibit exceeding these limits. The Organiser‟s delivery schedule for heavy and large exhibits must be strictly adhered to. Please approach the Organiser for specific floor loadings of the venue concerned.


a. Moving machinery must be fitted with safety devices when the machines are in operation. These safety devices may be removed only when the machines are disconnected from the source of power.

b. Working machines must be placed at a relatively safe distance from the audience. We strongly recommend the use of safety guards.

c. All pressure vessels or equipment under pressure must conform to the safety standards & regulations. Prior approval must be sought from the Organiser before operating such equipment.

d. No motors, engines, contrivances or power-driven machinery may be used without adequate protection against risk of fire.


a. No exposed electrical fittings, fixtures and cables are to be used in the exhibition halls at all times.

b. No temporary gas (LPG), explosives, petrol, incendiaries, dangerous gases or highly inflammable substances are allowed in the halls. All pressurized gas tanks will require a local safety certificate and their movement and placement within the halls will be after consultation and at the discretion of the hall owner.

c.No radioactive substances are allowed unless prior approval in writing is obtained from the Organiser. Any radioactive substances being used must strictly comply with the rules and regulations stipulated by the relevant regulatory body.


No naked or open flame equipment is to be used in the exhibition hall at any time.


All stands must be carpeted or laid with some form of flooring as clear demarcation of contracted space. Except for “island” booths (4-side open), a backwall must be installed for every stand. Stands with immediate neighbour(s) should also be provided with the necessary sidewall(s).

No false ceiling solid or otherwise is allowed for single storey stands. Eggcrate grid ceiling (with holes that do not interfere with the flow of water) is allowed.

Exhibitors may not place any display material or exhibit, nor extend their stand structures and fittings, beyond their contracted boundary. The Exhibitor may be charged for area exceeded, and the Organiser reserves the right to remove the infringing material. Likewise, any projection of programmable moving lights (e.g. cyber lights) are restricted within the perimeter of their stand. The prevailing rate for space rental on per square metre basis will be charged to exhibitors who fail to comply to the above.


The permitted stand height is 2.5m (8.3ft). Any design for a structure exceeding 2.5m in height must be submitted for approval at least 10 weeks prior to the exhibition and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If approved, this structure will be restricted to a distance of 1 metre (3.28 ft) away from the dividing walls of the adjoining stands. This restriction also applies to overhead structure suspended from the existing hall ceiling.

Maximum stand height allowed: 6m*

* As the ceiling height including perimeter structures of the hall ranges from 2.8m to 12m, please check with the organiser if the location of your booth allows the height of 6m.

For booths in the main lobby and concourse, the maximum stand height allowed is 3.5m


All stands in the exhibition, irrespective of height, must have at least half of any frontage facing an aisle left open or fitted with transparent (clear see-through) material. This area must be left visibly free of obstruction. Each side of the exhibition stand should not be obstructed for more than 3 meters continuously.


All materials used in the stand construction must be fire retardant in accordance with local regulations.


Double storey stands are applicable for contracted ground area of 60 square metres and above (to be considered on a case-by-case basis).

For double storey stands, powder ball sprinklers (each powder ball sprinkler to cover 12 square metres) or an approved water sprinkler system must be introduced for the area under the covered ceiling.

The design, construction and tear-down of double storey stands are to comply with the guidelines, rules and regulations laid down by the relevant authorities, including the Organiser and the venue owner.

Designs and layout plans of the double storey stand must be submitted to the Organiser for approval at least 3 months prior to the exhibition.


No person under any circumstances shall cut, nail or drill into or through any floor or wall. They are also not to use any adhesive products that may leave marks or cause damage to the flooring, walls or wall coverings. The above also applies to Organiser’s Package booth structures and walls. Any such damage to stand service structures will be invoiced to the Exhibitor.


a. The Organiser has appointed official contractors for various services so as to ensure a more efficient and regulated build-up and dismantling.

Please refer to the Useful Contact List in the Exhibitors’ Manual for details.

Unless otherwise stated, Exhibitors may appoint their own stand fitting contractor subject to approval from the Organiser. In this instance, exhibitors are responsible for making their own arrangements for services.

b. The services of the official contractors are for the convenience of Exhibitors, and the Organiser will accept no liability in respect of any contract between Exhibitors and such contractors for the negligence or default of any such persons, their servants and agents.

c. Only the official freight forwarders may be appointed where:

– Temporary import of goods under exhibition permit is required

– Mechanical handling within the exhibition hall is required


In adherence to safety requirements, only the Organiser‟s official contractor may carry out electrical and pipe installations.

Note on hall regulations for stand construction:

a. Exhibitors may appoint their own contractor for stand design and/or construction subject to them being approved by the Organiser and hall management, SECC

b. Detailed stand design drawing (elevations, layout plans and perspective views) must be submitted to the Organiser 2 months before the show.

c. As per venue regulations, all approved contractors must lodge a refundable deposit of VND 1,100,000 per square metre based on the contracted booth space to SECC. In addition, contractors‟ badges of VND 110,000 per badge and a management fee of VND 120,000 per square metre based on the contracted space will also be collected by SECC. Exhibitors who embark to undertake the construction of their own stands are also required to abide to these rulings. Overtime charges are applicable for working beyond the hours permitted.

This is to ensure that the rules and regulations of both the Organiser (as contained in the Exhibitors‟ Manual) and SECC (Form 7: Booth Building Up Service Registration – Outside contractor – a copy is available upon request) are abided by and to cover any damages arising directly or indirectly from any infringement.

This is without prejudice to any additional claim the Organiser or SECC may have on the contractor and/ or the exhibitor if the damages exceed the deposit.

Exhibitors are responsible and liable for their appointed contractor‟s observance of all rules and regulations.


Direct arrangements should be made with an appointed official freight forwarder. Otherwise, exhibitors must arrange for their cartons and cases to be transported back to their own premises. Exhibitors are not to store such items within the exhibition halls.

The Organiser reserves the right to remove/dispose of any carton, cases and/or packing materials left in the exhibition halls. Any cost incurred will be borne by the exhibitor.


During the exhibition days, the Organiser will be responsible for the general cleaning of standard booth, and gangways daily. During the build-up and dismantling periods, exhibitors and/or appointed contractors are responsible for the removal of stand construction debris and rubbish on a daily basis. All aisles must be left clear.


a. General security will be provided by the Organiser round the clock. Exhibitors and their staff will not be allowed in the exhibition hall outside the official hall opening hours.

b. Security guards will patrol the exhibition hall in general, but their duties will not include specific attention to individual stands.

c. If your displays are valuable or sensitive and you wish to hire security personnel to attend to your stand exclusively, please contact our appointed agency for security services. Please note that you may not use your own staff or personnel from other security agencies.

d. For security and safety reasons, exhibit movement in or out of the halls during the show hours is not permitted.

e. All personnel in the exhibition halls must wear identification badges. Please refer to Form 15 for Exhibitor’s passes and Contractor’s passes as well as Security Procedures for the exhibition.


Where applicable, the above rules and regulations are additional to rules and directions set by the Regulatory Authorities. All exhibitors and their contractors must abide by the code of practices set by the relevant Regulatory Authorities.

