Jigme Lingpa use his own library, his own computer to practice and he became big scholar

So the great Dharma practitioners like Jigme Lingpa was able to use his inner library. That’s true. Therefore, He doesn’t need to go somewhere to look for a teacher, but he was able to use his own library, his own computer, for that. Naturally, He became a big scholar. Because of that, there’s the lineage of mind treasure and [mind] treasure revealers. There are some treasure revealers, who have to depend on physical treasures, for example, something is hidden under the ground and they discover that symbol. [That thing] is to remind one to remember something. And there is mind treasure revealers – this means he remembers his own nature. Guru Rinpoche has hidden the instructions in the mind of that treasure revealer. When all the circumstances come together the treasure revealer naturally discovers the treasure.


  Hungkar Dorje Rinpoche